Translation Service (Business Professional)

Business Critical Translations really are special.
They include the added security of fully independent editing & proof-reading by a second qualified and experienced sector expert.


Examples for proffesional Translation

Service example
  • Business documentation
  • Communications
  • Finance and Legal documentaions
  • Marketing
  • Apparel
  • Travel and Tourrism
  • Please contact us for other industries not listed.

Strength of Japonica

Translation quality

Roster of highly specialized translators.

  1. High quality translations
  2. Reasonable and cleear Bill
  3. Translators across all sectors

Fully independent editing & proof-reading by a second qualified and experienced sector expert.


Translation Service

Effective advice and support required to make any international success for business.

  • Reserch for oveseas’ financial regulation
  • Deliver the initiatives that this advice identifies
  • Evaluate the country risk and find solution
  • Support for opning banking account in overseas.

Consultation for overseas business

Japonica Co., professional and full service marketing and reserch company.
We not only offer advice on how to get the best from your marketing activity in overseas.
We can also deliver the initiatives that this advice identifies.
